Academic Affairs
What We Do
The Office of Academic Affairs advances the University’s educational mission by strengthening academic initiatives in support of teaching, learning, student success, and scholarly opportunities.
Academic Resources
Assessment is systematic inquiry in support of student learning. Good assessment provides insight into how well we are achieving institutional goals and how well students are accomplishing the learning goals in their academic programs.
Undergraduate Students
As a student at Utica University, you need to complete general education requirements, an academic major, and elective courses. The general education curriculum provides a broad-based liberal education, and is designed to help you develop the intellectual skills you need to succeed.
If you are coming to Utica University as a transfer student:
You may be exempt from all or part of the general education requirements. For details contact The Office of Admissions, or see the University's catalog. See also our list of articulation agreements with regional junior colleges.In order to be graduated
You will need to complete an academic major. All the majors offered by Utica University are listed on our Academic Programs page. Some of the programs listed are minors or certificates which do not count as majors necessary for graduation, so please read the descriptions carefully.
Graduate Students
Requirements for graduate students are set by the individual programs. Links to each of the graduate programs can be found on the academic programs page. You can also view or download our current graduate catalog from the catalogs section.
Services for Students
Utica University has a number of services that are open to both graduate and undergraduate students.
- The Center for Student Success provides a wide range of personal, career, and academic counseling services and also provides support services for students with physical, emotional, or learning difficulties.
- Financial Aid Services, located within the Center for Student Success, can answer questions and provide help with financial matters.
- Integrated Information Technology Services supports the campus computer network and provides a helpdesk for computer related questions.
- The Jeremy C. Thurston '00 Center for Career Readiness helps students select and pursue a career based on their skills and interests.
- The Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement advises the major organizations on campus and processes all requests for on-campus housing.
Other Opportunities
While you are here you will want to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the athletic program, student clubs and societies, and the local community. Utica University also has an exciting variety of opportunities to study abroad. Visit the Office of International Education in White Hall for more information.
The Utica University Honors Program is a community of talented scholars fully integrated with the University's larger academic community.
The Honors Program fosters academic excellence by bringing together and supporting students committed to making the most of their studies. It emphasizes the interrelationship of knowledge and offers students the strongest possible education in the liberal arts in the belief that it will be the best foundation for any major and the best preparation for a successful future. It also provides students with opportunities for challenging and rewarding study and research under the close guidance of faculty tutors.
An abundance of useful information, including policies regarding academic dishonesty, purchasing policies, tips for using Banner Web, assessment requirements, syllabus requirements, Faculty Senate, the most current AAUP-UC Contract, and Issues Under Discussion.
Utica University offers several institutes and centers that involve participation from throughout the University and the public to address issues of common interest and concern. These institutes and centers offer programs and conduct studies that focus on specific cultural, professional, and intellectual topics; provide services to students and the public; and bring a wide range of experts to the University to speak to interested groups.
The Office of International Education provides support for the international student and scholar population of Utica University. Our goal is to integrate our international students and visiting international scholars into the Utica community to maximize the benefits of their stay with us.
Experiential learning is an immersive experience where the individual learns by doing over a sustained period of time. Such experiences allow students to integrate what they learned in the classroom with “real-world” experiences or with challenging intellectual or social problems central to their disciplines. They further require students to engage in focused reflections on the experience as a way to discover knowledge, enhance skills, clarify values, and develop their capacity to contribute to their communities.
Learn more about experiential learning opportunities:
Academic Affairs
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